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Post of December

It's december 2017, and it's only 25 days more till we meet 2018, and how old are you in that year? I'm getting older and I'm tired having anxiety about almost everything. Often sad. But honestly I can be happy easily. Warn you that this will be a very little sharing about me. It can't be more important than your lunch, yet can be as warm as a pair of gloves cover your hands in December.

Well, I can be happy just by watching drama, eating nice food, buying useful stuff, staying away from bad people, and having good people around me. All those things can bring back my good mood.

Humans are disparate, because everyone consumes different things. I've found a quote in a photo's caption while scrolling instagram, sounds like this: "an entire ocean of water can't sink a ship unless it gets into the ship." that's why, what you consume matters.

Food is a very close thing with life. Healthy food gives healthy life. We can't control destiny if someday, something maybe happens and take away the health from us. But even kids know that water is better than cola.

What comes into your mind is of course important, it forms your characters - a tool that you use in socialization. What you watched, what you read, what you learned, what you believed, they do matter.

I said before that staying away from bad people and being around the good ones can heal me from bad mood, simply make me happy. Because it's able to release happy hormone. There are happy hormones in body: dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins. They can heal pain and make feelings of well-being. Some factors that affect them are physical exercise, enjoying the sun shine, spending time with friends, laughing, finishing a project, and eating spicy food and food contains tryptophan - like nuts, mango, egg, tofu, etc.

Water that gets into the ship can sink it. Everything that you let get into your mind and your body influence you so much. Thus if you want to go to a place, move your feet to a good place, where the good people and good food exist.

Pictures from pinterest


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